THE DARKER SIDE OF ANIME: PERFECT BLUE | MAC Birmingham MAIN Screen, B12 9QH | 97 mins | Rated 18 | Friday 29 September 2023 | 18:00

© 1997 khara/Project EVA.


Leaving the world of J-pop behind her, Mima Kirigoe begins life as an actress on a crime drama show called Double Blind. When offered a lead role in the show as a rape victim, Mima accepts the roledespite reservations from her manager. However, the backlash from fans over her career change anda strange website called ‘Mima’s Room’ written by a fake Mima begin to worry her.

When a stalker appears and people involved in Double Blind begin turning up dead and all the evidence pointing toher, Mima is thrown into a state of confusion, madness and paranoia.

Directed by the late Satoshi Kon and critically acclaimed as one of the finest examples of an animated thriller, Perfect Blue will leave you shocked and more than a little spooked.
